ANDÓ ENERGY signs MOU in the Democratic Republic of Congo

AND<b>Ó</b> ENERGY signs MOU in the Democratic Republic of Congo
After Nigeria earlier this year, DRC has chosen to work with Ando Energy for the construction of a new EPHG (Electrical Power Plant using Hybrid Generators). The location that has been appointed for this pilot project is the province of Tshopo, the biggest province in DRC. More specifically in the city of Kisangani, the second biggest city of DRC.
After intense negotiations, a MOU between ANDÓENERGY and the province of Tshopo,represented by his Excellency Constant LOMATA KONGOLI,has been signed. Both parties have come to an agreement on a detailed framework for the cooperation: the construction and exploitation of a 25-30 MW EPHG with an optional expansion in the near future for the whole Province. The PPA (Purchase Power Agreement) is due to follow in the coming weeks.
With this additional contract ANDÓENERGY has made another important step in the development of the Hybrid Generator technology and its expansion in the renewable energy industry. 
Negotiations to build, maintain and operate EPHG in Africa and Europe are intensively discussed with the several Governments, Regional Governments, National Energy Buyers for Grid connected EPHG and Industrial Big Consumers or Industrial Zones for direct connected EPHG.

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