Investment Opportunities and Process
Investment Group or Pool
In the case that the economical, juridical, financial and technical aspects are acceptable for all the parties involved, the Investor Group or POOL (for which ANDÓ ENERGY makes part of it) will invest for 100% in the EPHG.
The Pool consists of industrials, bankers, lawyers, financial institutions, private investors, hedge funds from Europe and the USA all dedicated to invest in renewable energy and the research and development of new forms of sources and technologies.
Thoroughly Financial Process
To come to a financial closure all the technical, economic and financial conditions must meet the required criteria.

The financial due diligence and closure normally takes about 60 days.
Local investments
Each EPHG is committed to invest in the future but with the focus on the development and integration of the Local (Social) Community. We want to establish this on 2 fronts :
  • Students from various universities will be involved during the development and construction phase of the project.
  • On top of this a small % of the net profit in local social projects of the town where the EPHG will be installed.
Are you interested to know more about investment opportunities, don’t hesitate to contact us on
or through our contact form below.